Media & Resources on the Illegal Turtle Trade

The following products are select media and resources recommended for use by the news media and other organizations for coverage related to the illegal trade in turtles. This resource page has been developed by the Collaborative to Combat the Illegal Trade in Turtles (CCITT). For media inquiries relating to trafficking of North American turtles, please contact: 

CCITT Leadership Board ( and PARC Coordinators (

Smuggled Mexican Box Turtles Duct-taped and Stuffed into Socks by USFWS

CCITT & Partner Products

CCITT Annual Reports

Select Research Articles

Recent Press


Photos of turtles are available for reporters to use for stories on the illegal trade in turtles. To request access to files and credit information, contact CCITT Leadership Board, or use the shareable content found on the Wild Turtle Week page

If using content on social media, please tag the Partners in Amphibian and Reptile Conservation: @PARCconserve (Instagram) or @PARCherps (Facebook)

Suggested Hashtags:
#everyturtlecounts, #keepwildturtleswild, #turtleconservation #savetheturtles

US Fish and Wildlife Service and Jeff Corwin team up to keep turtles safe from illegal trade

Infographics and Brochures

Print out these infographics to distribute or post:

Comparison of reproductive output between white-tailed deer, black bear, and common snapping turtle. The snapping turtle becomes reproductively mature at 17 years of age, by which time a black bear may have produced seven and a white-tailed deer 629 reproductively mature offspring (not including mortality). Data source: Modified from Ron Brooks, Ontario Multi-Species of Turtles At Risk Recovery Team, as included in CoP16 Prop.38 pg20
North American freshwater turtles, black bear, and white-tailed deer reproduction race; Melissa Gonzalez, USFWS

Additional Information

Remember, #EveryTurtleCounts