PARC strives to foster a safe and respectful environment for our colleagues and professional contacts. PARC members will observe and uphold the highest standards of scientific integrity and professional behavior. PARC is committed to providing a safe, productive, and welcoming environment that fosters open dialogue, exchange of scientific ideas, and equal treatment of all participants.
PARC Social Media Policy
PARC is committed to fostering an engaging online experience that promotes awareness of reptile and amphibian conservation. Like membership, everyone is welcome to view PARC social media accounts, share content, and interact with others on the platform. While online interactions can be more ‘relaxed’ than in-person conversations, harmful or harassing messaging is not appropriate. Failure to maintain appropriate conversations may result in comments being deleted, accounts being blocked from commenting on PARC content, and accounts being reported to the platform. If an egregious violation occurs, the violation can be reported to the PARC Ethics Committee which may determine to remove privileges to attend PARC events.
Examples of content that violates the PARC Social Media Policy include:
- Hate speech including content that targets any age, sex, race, color, creed, religion, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, citizenship, disability, or marital status or any other legally recognized protected basis under federal, state, or local laws, regulations or ordinances
- Harassing users, including personal attacks
- Posting lewd or obscene content
- Advocating illegal behavior
While PARC welcomes questions, identification requests, and the sharing of wild animal observations, specific location information of animals posted to PARC Social Media Accounts is discouraged, as that information may be used by poachers and individuals interested in collecting wildlife. Posts that include that information may be hidden or removed.
PARC Ethics Committee
Violation of the Code of Ethics and Conduct may result in removal of privileges to attend and participate in PARC events. Any alleged violations of the Code of Ethics and Conduct, or Social Media Policy should be reported to the PARC Ethics Committee for review. It is the responsibility of the complainant, not the PARC Ethics Committee, to notify the police if they believe an offense violated the law. Please reach out to the PARC National Coordinators ( to make a report to the Ethics Committee.
No Retaliation: No PARC member who in good faith reports a violation shall suffer harassment, retaliation, or adverse consequence from the Ethics Committee. Furthermore, it is a violation of the Meeting Code of Conduct for an alleged offender to harass, retaliate, or adversely act toward a complainant who in good faith reports a potential violation.