PARC is pleased to announce that The Timber Rattlesnake: Life History, Distribution, Status, and Conservation Action Plan is now available for purchase at:
This plan was developed by a team of more than seventy-five concerned rattlesnake biologists from federal and state agencies, universities, and private institutions, as well as environmental consultants and private citizens. The approximately 475-page book is divided into two parts and contains more than 250 images from 90 photographers and more than 40 maps. Part I of the document presents an overview of the life history, genetics, ecology, distribution, status, and threats to the continued existence of Timber Rattlesnakes from a range-wide perspective along with recommendations for conducting population assessments. Part II of the document presents the legal status, distribution, population status, habitat needs, active period, threats, and management actions for Timber Rattlesnakes on a state-by-state (or province by-province) basis. The information provided in this plan can serve as a reference for landowners, land managers, and government agencies at all levels to enable them to develop science-based management and conservation plans for Timber Rattlesnake populations and protect habitats for which they have responsibility. The guidance provided in this plan will also be of value to environmental consultants as they develop recommendations for developers, and to researchers who endeavor to fill in gaps in our knowledge concerning the species’ distribution and ecology.