Much of the work of PARC happens at the regional level. Each region identifies its priorities and activities. PARC relies on creativity, resources, and donated time provided from each region. The regions offer tremendous opportunities to become involved in PARC, to learn, and to engage in conservation actions for amphibians, reptiles, and the places that they live.
Department of Defense (DoD) PARC
Department of Defense PARC (DoD PARC) is a partnership that provides a network through which the military installation biologists, natural resource managers, and professional herpetologists can work together to avoid future mission restrictions while providing stewardship for threatened and endangered herpetofauna. DoD PARC focuses on habitat and species management; inventory, research, and monitoring; and education, outreach, and training. It provides a framework for the effective management of amphibians and reptiles by the military services and their installations. DoD PARC’s primary responsibility is to ensure that the DoD has the operational and logistical flexibility necessary for testing and training exercises
International Working Group
The question continually arises about whether PARC is an international effort, and the answer is best given from a historical perspective. PARC was initially developed with a focus on the southeastern United States because the Southeast is the region with the country’s highest herpetofaunal biodiversity and potentially greatest problems.
As the PARC initiative became publicized in 1998, a national interest developed from numerous geographic regions, and then participants from Mexico and Canada became involved so that it quickly became North American. At the organizational meeting in Atlanta in June 1999, the attendees maintained PARC’s focus on North American species but with an additional interest in international actions that affect species native to North America.
At this time, most of the PARC effort has been through the regional and topical working groups that are attempting to identify a variety of conservation issues that affect native North American species. PARC continues to be a grassroots organization with the success in various regions being dependent on the individuals and organizations involved.
PARC’s sister organization across the border, the Canadian Amphibian and Reptile Conservation Network (CARC), is actively involved with herp conservation throughout Canada.