Federal Agencies Steering Committee

What is PARC’s Federal Agencies Steering Committee?

The Federal Agencies Steering Committee, or FASC, is comprised of representatives from 11 federal agencies. The FASC operates under a Memorandum of Understanding , the purpose of which is to provide a framework for cooperation and coordination in achieving the objectives of the FASC , and in matters relating to the conservation of amphibians, reptiles, and their habitats. The Committee provides a unified forum to facilitate herpetofauna communication and management among federal partners through the PARC network, and assists in implementing the PARC Strategic Plan. It is co-chaired by two voluntary representatives from member agencies. FASC Co-chairs also serve as advisory members on PARC’s Joint National Steering Committee, which is the governing body of PARC. The FASC conducts monthly coordination calls and meets annually.

What does the FASC do?

  • Assists with strategic planning and priority setting for PARC, FASC, and our agencies.
  • Facilitates cross-agency collaboration for conservation and management of amphibians and reptiles.
  • Shares emerging issues and opportunities related to amphibian and reptile conservation with other federal agencies on the FASC.
  • Contributes to the salary and benefits of the National Federal Coordinator and to various PARC conservation actions.
  • The FASC is proud to be a founding partner and supporter of Amphibian Week.

FASC Member Agencies


Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service



Bureau of Land Management



Department of Defense




Environmental Protection Agency



Farm Service Agency


National Marine Fisheries Service



National Park Service



Natural Resources Conservation Service



US Fish and Wildlife Service


US Forest Service


US Geological Survey